Live-streaming of services on Facebook, and on this website! Click here to stream through Facebook!
GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST! GLORY FOREVER! SLAVA ISUSU CHRISTU! SLAVA NA V’IKI! A warm welcome to St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church. Whether through this web site or in person, here you will find a dynamic Byzantine Catholic faith community. I hope you find this site provides a "taste" of what we are about. These pages contain much more information about our church and our work together. We joyfully encourage all to come and worship with us at the Divine Liturgy on Saturdays at 4:00pm (all English) or Sundays at 8:30AM (all English) or 11:00AM (English and Church Slavonic) until Memorial Day. Summer hours will only affect the 11 which will then be held at 10:30.
WELCOME VISITORS! “MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLES.” Isaiah 56:7 When you visit St. Mary’s, we want you to know how welcome you are; whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. We hope you find our worship true and reverent and our people here friendly and cordial. If you are seeking a spiritual home, we would be honored by your presence in our family. For more information about becoming a parishioner, please see me or Deacon Alex. Please join us for coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall following the Sunday Divine Liturgies. If you wish more information, please contact me through e-mail at or by phone at 908-725-0615 Please know that you are in my prayers! Fr. Jim Badeaux |
EMERGENCY BLOOD DRIVE : Due to the snow storm and cold weather, many blood drives were canceled. So please come JANUARY 27, 2025 AT OUR PARISH CENTER FROM 1PM-7PM. PLEASE SEE THE BULLETIN FOR JANUARY 19 FOR MORE INFORMATION. To make an appointment: Sponsor code: 07802 January 19 bulletin HOUSE BLESSING: In the Byzantine tradition, parishioners may have Fr. Jim come to your house to bless it. If you'd like to have your house blessed, please contact Fr. Jim either by phone: 908-725-0615 or by email : to make an appointment. Christmas Decorations: We will be taking down Christmas decorations on Monday beginning at 9:30am. "Many hands make light work!" So please consider coming to help. WANTED: BINGO WORKERS WANTED. Please consider joining our bingo teams. ALL SOULS SATURDAYS: IF you would like to remember you dearly departed loved ones, kindly use the envelope in your envelope box and drop it into the collection basket. You may also email the names of your loved ones, and Venmo or send your donation to the church. All names should be submitted by January 26. Please read the bulletin for liturgies and vesper services. BINGO on Wednesdays & Saturdays Doors Open at 11:00AM - For more information click here Weekly Schedule of Services:
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturday 2:15 p.m to 2:45 p.m.
3:00PM Vespers
4:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy (Vigil) in English
11:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy in English & Church Slavonic
We pray the Third Hour every Sunday morning
at 10:15am. Check the bulletin for weekly vespers.
We also pray the Holy Rosary on the
first Sunday of the month at 8 AM
Check Bulletin section for Changes to Liturgy Schedule and special intentions. Eastern Christian Formation (ECF) 2024/2025
ECF Registration Class Registration! Feel free to use this registration for the 2024-2025 year! Register for The Parish News E-mail
If you would like to subscribe and receive our Parish News E-mail and weekly electronic bulletin, please register using the following form. |